It was a warm Saturday in Osaka so I decided to go out for a little ride. I cruised down to the castle - an amazing building located in the middle of a business area of Osaka. I wanted to see if the Cherry Blossom was out yet.

As it wasn't I moved onto Umeda, the second of two CBD's in Osaka. Umeda has a few large shopping centers which I avoided. My final stop was Triangle park in an area called Amemura, where all the young people hang out. Here there are a whole lot of awesome vintage shops; its like stepping into the 80's (or what I have always imagined it would be like). I grabbed a bubble cup and sat in the park with my bike drinking my drink when a random Jgirl approached me and invited me to her fundraiser party at a club from 3pm. This turned out to be my first proper night out. I ended up staying the whole time there, meeting heaps of people who took me out to dinner and then onto a bar.

I thought this guy would make documenting my experience here a little bit funner!

My first night out with my new camera took me to NoonTracks, an alley cat style invent held on a regular basis in a bar in Umeda. Its a roller race racing two at a time. Time is the decider. I came away with 6th (of 45) in the individual racing which i thought was pretty good for a first time on the rollers.

There was also a team event held between store employees. I ended up racing in team Gira Gira, the TrackSupermarket store as the boss pulled out late. We came an unlucky 2nd.

Bikes in Osaka are different to Melbourne, not only because many ride trick fixies and they are generally a smaller race with small bikes, but because they are more willing to have an OTT bike with a white saddle, matching rims and tyres, aerospokes, disc wheels, the lot. just like the fashion here bikes are full on. no half arsed efforts.

Now the Cherry Blossom season is in full flight and Hanami parties are on all the time. I went to Kyoto with some friends I met at the fundraiser event. It really is a sight to see. Masses of pink a white flowers and people enjoying a drink.
There are lots more stories to come. I hope all is well in Melbourne and all over the world.
more pics on my fb page: