The plane ride went smoothly and I arrived in Osaka at 8:30pm local time. As I was flying with a friend her son and his family picked us up in a car from the Kensai airport. Mari, Angela`s daughter in law and Rick`s wife cooked us curry which was a great way to kick of my Japanese food experience. After dinner Rick walked me back to Hiro`s guest house where is stayed for two nights.

Hiro taught me to make Udon soup which has been very useful as a budget breaky. He also taught me to make miso soup. Last night Hiro cooked me and a new friend EJ some pasta which was also pretty good. After Hiro`s I moved onto another guest house where I am currently staying at called Lemon House
Since I moved into Lemon House I have spent most of my time getting my bearings and have learnt to get around Osaka pretty well. I have eaten out most days around 2 times at least and have been aroudn to a few little bars. Ive eaten Ramen, Udon, Katsudon, Tacoyaki, Tompeyaki, Sushi, Miso and plenty more. I experienced some awesome Karaoke in a snack bar down some strange lane near Korea town which was heaps of fun.
Ill post more in a few days and will try to be more regular from now on.